Alyssa Milano before and after plastic surgery

The early years of the 21st century, each television station aired on the small screen in a movie blockbuster that time, Charmed. The story revolves around three Halliwell sisters: Prue (Shannen Doherty), Piper (Holly Marie Combs), Phoebe (Alyssa Milano) and Paige Matthews later (Rose McGowan). After spending the last part 8 from 10/07/1998 to 21/05/2006, the movie ends. However, viewers still ask the question for a time in the idol drama series Magic after more than 6 years, what are they doing?


6 years ago, viewers impressed with Alyssa Milano in the role of the youngest sister Phoebe Halliwell, but the singer, actor and producer does not hold back the glory of life. Meanwhile, many celebrities came out from the successful full-length movies, Alyssa became faint and journalism did not concerned as much as her like before. Currently, Alyssa is busy preparing for her role in Mistresses Sarah will be launched in preparation time from 2012 to 2013. It is known that this will be the first film marks the return of Alyssa Milano after a respite for delivery in late 2011. You may cost a few seconds to look at this picture. We can’t realize her. She had some different … Another reason Alyssa may seem tough to recognize: She’s constantly changing her hair color and has admitted to having some surgeries !


Alyssa Milano had plastic surgery to improve her self symbol. The picture revealed that she had dental implants. Alyssa Milano’s teeth are little bit irregular. And a surgery is a thing that must happen. It is called a change of  her image because ugly teeth can’t lead to beautiful smiles. Of course it is good to improve teeth and make them look better, but in a natural, not an unnatural way. Are these real celebrity form before and after because not only their teeth look different but also their face.


And this isn’t even the worst of it, you can’t tell in pictures but she did something to her chin. Actually this photo we thought she looked pretty hot. We see the chin thing but not entirely an eye sore. Women should never get a chin implant unless they have an obvious receding chin. If you get a chin implant, you’ll look more like a man… It was so clearly, but don’t she know? Strange she wanted an implant, liked her allot more before the implant. Much more masculine after the implant.


She was so beautiful before. We are not even digging the new boob job. Doesn’t look bad, but she looked so much more better before. Seem every celebrity women have to get more than one surgery to feel much more confident, we guess!


It’ shard to tell the extent of it from pictures we think – you know how Alyssa line is so wide at the sides like this? We think she had implants in her chin and in the side of her jaw line. She’s grown out her hair to try and hide it, but when you see her actually in motion it’s obvious. She’s still pretty enough, but she’s kind of like run of the mill pretty, she’s lost that special Alyssa quality. We just feel bad that she felt like she had to go under the knife when she was perfect in the beginning. After all surgeries, were they a good or bad idea?

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